For: production of tap water, drinking water, pure water, high pure water, industrial water
流程:A. 原水(低濁水:濃度≤100 mg/l)→微絮凝→PCF過濾器→后處理→出水
Process: A. Raw water (low turbidity water: concentration less than 100 mg/l) →micro-flocculation→ TWF filter →post-treatment→ effluent
B.原水(高濁水:濃度>100 mg/l)→混凝澄清→PCF過濾器→后處理→出水
B. Raw water (high turbidity water: concentration >100 mg/l) → coagulation clarification →TWF filter→ post-treatment →effluent
2.循環水 Recycled Water
For: swimming pool water treatment, aquarium water circulation, water park, artificial landscape, freshwater aquaculture
流程:原水→毛發收集器→微絮凝→ PCF過濾器→循環使用
Process: raw water→ hair collector→ microflocculation →PCF filter →recycling.
3.中水回用 Reuse Of Reclaimed Water
For: miscellaneous water reuse, hotel water treatment, accommodation area water treatment
Process: to be treated water→grille→clarification precipitation→contact oxidation→microflocculation→PCF filter→disinfection→reuse
4.污水深度處理Sewage In--Depth Processing
用于:生活污水或工業廢水物化 /生化處理后出水的直接處理
Used for: direct treatment of effluent after physicochemical/biochemical treatment of domestic sewage or industrial wastewater.
Process: wastewater→primary sedimentation tank→biochemical treatment→coagulation precipitation→PCF filter→ reuse